Under PMKVY, training and assessment fees are paid completely by the Government. Pay-outs are provided to the Training Providers (TPs) in alignment with the common norms. The scheme is being implemented at the Centre and the State level with a 50:50 allocation of funds and targets with more enhanced involvement of District Skill Committees (DSC).

The scheme has three components as below:


Short Term Training (STT):

STT component imparted at PMKVY Training Centres (TC) is expected to benefit candidates of Indian nationality who are either school/college dropouts or unemployed. Apart from providing training according to the National Skills Qualification Framework (NSQF), TCs also impart training in soft skills, entrepreneurship, financial and digital literacy. Upon successful completion of assessment, candidates are provided placement assistance by training providers.

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Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL):

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is a skill certification component to enable Indian youth to take on industry relevant skill certification which will help them to secure a better livelihood. Individuals with prior learning experience or skills can register themselves and get assessed and certified under the RPL component of PMKVY. It focuses mainly on individuals engaged in unregulated sectors.

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Special Projects :

The Special Projects component of PMKVY envisages the creation of a platform that will facilitate trainings in special areas and/or premises of Government bodies, corporates or industry bodies, and training in special job roles, not defined under the available Qualification Packs (QPs)/National Occupational Standards (NOS). Special Projects require some deviation from the short-term training guidelines under PMKVY. A proposing stakeholder can be institutions of Central or State Government(s), an autonomous body/statutory body or any other equivalent body or a corporate that wants to provide training to candidates.

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